Search by music title

怒槌 時の冒険者

  • You can use readings:
    いかづち ときのぼうけんしゃ
Search by artist name

artist:イロドリミドリ artist:cran

Use a range of date added

since:2019-4-11 until:2019-4-25
(Meaning: Music what were added from April 4, 2019 to April 25, 2019.)

Search by genre


  • If you want to search music what belong to the WORLD'S END genre, it must be enclosed within double quotation marks like genre:"WORLD'S END" because it contains a space. Also if you want to use keywords contain spaces, you must enclose within double quotation too.
OR operator

(Meaning: Music what contain "WORLD'S" or "ワールズ" in the music title or the artist name.)

  • You can use parenthesis:
    (world OR odd) end
    (Meaning: Music what contain "world" and "end", or "odd" and "end" in the music title or the artist name.)
"Not" operator using minus sign

あーりん -書類審査 -genre:"WORLD'S END"
(Meaning: Music what contain "あーりん" in the music title or the artist name, don't contain "書類審査" in this, and don't belong to the WORLD'S END genre.)